Hello, I am Becky Hung 👋🏼
I am a Product Designer
& Front-End Developer
With the passion for development, I designed and developed this website all by myself. I am obsessed with improving my design and programming skills, constantly looking to learn new things everyday.
Design Project
ITRI Library Web Revision
In the revision of ITRI library website design, we reorganized the information structure of the website based on the website traffic analysis and user interview.
UIUX Design
Web Development
GotYourPoint: Business Loyalty Card App
GotYourPoint is a business loyalty card App based on blockchain technology.
UIUX Design
ITRI eForm Platform
ITRI eForm Plaform provides a digital form application entry and a flexible form creation mechanism.
UIUX Design
Yo-Taiwan: Taiwan Travel Web
YoTaiwan is a Taiwan travel website, providing information on food and attractions in Taiwan and Taiwan Tourist Shuttle routes.
UIUX Design
Web Development
CommonWealth Magazine Experimental App
I designed a new CommonWealth magazine App during the internship based on user-centered design through practical and academic aspects, in order to provide a model as a reference for the magazine industry.
UIUX Design
CommonWealth Magazine 2018-2019 Intern Recruit Web
The CommonWealth Magazine Intern Recruit Web is the platform I designed for the next intern recruitment during my internship at CommonWealth Magazine.
UIUX Design
Programming Project
Yo-Taiwan: Taiwan Travel Web
YoTaiwan is a Taiwan travel website, providing information on food and attractions in Taiwan and Taiwan Tourist Shuttle routes.
UIUX Design
Web Development
Taipei Day Trip: Taipei Tourism Web
Taipei Day Trip is a tourism e-commerce website. With more than 300 attractions information, click on the photos of the attractions to view more information, and make reservations and payment.
UIUX Design
Web Development